Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Cure to Cancer with Vitamin C

Cure to Cancer with Vitamin C

When i came across this video to learn the impact of the vitamin C on our bodies, it was an eye opener and I started to wonder, how come this stuff is not more common taught to people ? Well i thought it was only right to share the info that can help people appreciate the value of this amazing vitamin.

Watch this video first

Vitamin C is commonly understood to be an antioxidant. The National Institutes of Health has replicated research done at The Center for the Improvement of Human Functioning which shows that very high blood levels of vitamin C can act as a pro-drug that forms hydrogen peroxide at doses lethal to cancer cells. This pro-oxidant effect is best achieved by intravenous administration of vitamin C. New findings suggest that high oral doses of vitamin C used in conjunction with "redox cyclers" may support and enhance the effect of IVC against cancer.

Ron Hunninghake, M.D.

Here is some more info about this amazing vitamin that does great good to our bodies and how it's verified by numerous studies and sciences.

According to the government site the vitamin C is known to be a helper in the fight against cancer. here is a part of their findings.
High-Dose Vitamin C (PDQ®)


• Vitamin C is a nutrient found in food and dietary supplements. It is an antioxidant and also plays a key role in making collagen (see Question 1).
•High-dose vitamin C may be given by intravenous (IV) infusion (through a vein into the bloodstream) or orally (taken by mouth). When taken by intravenous infusion, vitamin C can reach much higher levels in the blood than when the same amount is taken by mouth (see Question 1).
•High-dose vitamin C has been studied as a treatment for patients with cancer since the 1970s (see Question 2).
• Laboratory studies have shown that high doses of vitamin C may slow the growth and spread of prostate, pancreatic, liver, colon, and other types of cancer cells (see Question 5).
•Some laboratory and animal studies have shown that combining vitamin C with anticancer therapies may be helpful, while other studies have shown that certain forms of vitamin C may make chemotherapy less effective (see Question 5).
• Animal studies have shown that high-dose vitamin C treatment blocks tumor growth in certain models of pancreatic, liver, prostate, and ovarian cancers, sarcoma, and malignant mesothelioma (see Question 5).
•Some human studies of high-dose IV vitamin C in patients with cancer have shown improved quality of life, as well as improvements in physical, mental, and emotional functions, symptoms of fatigue, nausea and vomiting, pain, and appetite loss (see Question 6).
• Intravenous high-dose ascorbic acid has caused very few side effects in clinical trials (see Question 7).
•While generally approved as a dietary supplement, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved the use of IV high-dose vitamin C as a treatment for cancer or any other medical condition (see Question 9).

I know not many of us really know and understand how important vitamin C is and why more of us should consume it daily to stay strong, fit.
All vitamins have their important roles, but i never knew vitamin C was this influential. Cure to Cancer with Vitamin C

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