Monday, April 6, 2015

How far back can we trace herbal medicine with humanity.

Since the begining of mankind, certainly ailment came with their hardship and days, yet it's also clearly evident that with this ailment came medicines or cures for them.

Mankind has a mind that can find solutions beyond any other creation on earth, something mankind does not recognize as a whole, which needs to be addressed. We are solution finders.

The History of Hebal Medicine can be predated for thousands of years and excerpt I came across discusses some of the early findings
History of Herbal Medicine - The Beginning While we suspect that the history of herbal medicine began with earliest man, we know that the first written herbal record was in 2800 B.C., the Pen T'sao by Shennong (also known as The Divine Farmer). In 400 B.C., Hippocrates wrote the first herbal medicine record in Greek. In 100 B.C. the first illustrated herbal record was produced in Greece. In 50 B.C., the Roman Empire began spreading information about herbal remedies throughout the empire as well as the plants used for various remedies. In 200 A.D., Galen, an herbal practitioner, developed a classification system for remedies and illnesses. In 800 A.D., monks helped spread knowledge about herbal medicine through their infirmaries at each monastery. During the 1100's, Avicenna, a physician and Persian scholar, wrote the Canon of Medicine. During Henry VII reign, Parliament passes acts that protect herbalists from persecution. A century later, a two-tiered medical treatment system emerges: drugs for the rich and herbs for the poor. During this time period, Nicholas Culpepper writes the English Physician, which explains in detail herbal medicine. In the 1800's the National Association of Medical Herbalists is founded to help promote and defend the practice of herbal medicine. In 1941, the Pharmacies and Medicine Act is passed, stripping herbal practitioners of the right to dispense medicinal herbs. In 1968, the Medicines Act is passed and restores practitioners' rights to dispense medicinal herbs. The British Herbal Medicine Association was also founded and published the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia. full article -
We really don't know the exact history of herbal natural medicine since we really don't know when the beginning of mankind is. It would be naturally right to assume that herbal medicine has always existed among people as far back as the dates can take us. If we came from nature, doesn't it make sense that nature can cure us and heal us ? Leave your comments below

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